How does Good Life Railing compare to vinyl railing?
Good LIfe is a premium quality composite rail system with a permanent PVC finish, unlike vinyl railing which is 100% vinyl or vinyl with a thin structural core. Good Life is strong, sturdy and secure in feel, and durable against temperature extremes. In addition, it is backed by a 20-year warranty against splintering, delamination, rot and structural damage from fungal decay.

Can I paint Good Life railing?
Yes, you can; however, the durable PVC finish enables the railing to withstand the elements without ever needing paint. If you do decide to paint your railing, consult a paint specialist to ensure the proper paint is used.

What cleaner is best to use to keep my composite railing like new?
To clean your composite railing and maintain its like-new appearance, we recommend using Fantastik®, Mr. Clean® Magic Erasers or DeckMax PVC Revitalizing Wipes.