Phantom GT and Phantom EC Hidden Fasteners
- Available in boxes of 90 (50 sq. ft. of coverage) or buckets of 900 (500 sq. ft.) for 16" o.c. installations
- Designed with more "teeth" and sharper curves to grip deck boards for a strong hold to the joist
- Dual limiting tabs ensure consistent spacing and resist twisting often seen with single tab fasteners
- Butt Joint Fasteners eliminate the need to double joist or use two fasteners at joints
- Key hole design properly orients and seats the screw for optimal installation
- End Clip Fasteners eliminate surface fasteners at the beginning and end boards of the deck
- End Clip Fasteners are sold separately, each bag includes 25 clips, 40 screws and driver bit for 25 lineal foot coverage, 12 in. on center installations

Phantom Ballistic Screws
- Fiberon Phantom Ballistic Screws with driver bits are available in 900 count buckets
- Ballistic NailScrew Driver Kit includes driver, swivel hose fitting, belt hook, safety glasses, allen wrenches and oil

Fiberon Cortex® Screws for Hidden Face-Fastening
- Fiberon Cortex Screws are the only hidden face fasteners recommended for Fiberon decking
- Available in all colors of Fiberon Paramount, Horizon and ProTect Advantage Decking products
- Not recommended for use with the Good Life or Sanctuary decking
- All colors available in boxes to cover 100 l/f for 12 in. on center joist or 140 l/f for 16 in. on center joist installation (224 2-½” screws, 300 color-matched plugs and two setting tools)
- All Paramount PVC Decking colors are available in tubs to cover 300 sq. ft. (1,050 2-½” screws, 1,200 color-matched plugs and six setting tools)

Fiberon approved fasteners are designed to accommodate normal dimensional changes without material fracture or change in holding capability and are recommended for installation of Fiberon decking products. Any use of unapproved fasteners, including biscuits or nails, may lead to product failure and void the product warranty.

For Use With Most Composite Decking Products
Most non-grooved composite decking boards can be grooved** with a slot cutting bit to accommodate the Phantom Fastener. Recommended bits are:
- UFO, PN: The Groover
- Woodstock International, PN: DC1098
- Bosch, PN: 85530M
- Sears, PN: SPM215190769
- Sears, PN: SPM215190779
- Grizzly Industrial, PN: C1098

**Cutting grooves or slots into deck boards may void the manufacturer's warranty. Fiberon does not warrant or guarantee your warranty will remain valid.